Please find below a selection of the most frequently asked questions.

If there is a question you have that you cannot find an answer to, please contact our helpdesk, and our support team will try to answer you as quickly as possible.

This website is for information purposes only. i-stock does not provide financial advice and an account can be opened via the i-stock app. or by clicking on any ‘create an account’ button across the website.

Know what you are looking for?

Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)

What should I do if I think I need financial advice?

i-stock does not provide financial advice and if you have any questions about the suitability of the service you should speak with a financial adviser.

If you would like to speak with an adviser, you can contact our Helpdesk who will forward your enquiry to a regulated adviser. This action will take you away from i-stock and you will be contacted within two working days by an adviser. Please note; a firm will charge for this service and their advice.

What is an investment?

An investment means putting money into an asset, with the aim of its value increasing over time.

Why invest?

Investing provides the opportunity for your money to grow over time and enable you to create greater wealth.

What are the risks?

Investments may fall as well as rise and past performance is not an indicator of future performance. You may get back less than your initial investment.

What does ISA stand for?

ISA stands for Individual Savings Account.

What is an ISA?

An ISA is an Individual Savings Account, which allows you to save and/or invest, with any gains being completely tax free.

What are the benefits of an ISA?

You will not pay tax on any gains within an ISA.

How do I set up an ISA?

Your ISA will be created by i-stock when you deposit money into your account. We will do all of the work on your behalf.

What types of ISAs are there?

There are five types of ISAs; cash ISA, stocks & shares ISAs, Innovative Finance ISAs, Help to Buy ISAs and Lifetime ISAs.


Stocks & shares ISA only.

Can I Transfer my existing ISA(s)?

You can transfer a Stocks & Shares ISA or a Cash ISA you may hold elsewhere to i-stock. This is a manual process, but i-stock will administer this on your behalf. Transferring an existing ISA to i-stock will allow you to access the benefits of our investment offering across your wider savings pot.


You can transfer a Stocks & Shares ISA or a Cash ISA to i-stock, and your money will be invested in your chosen investment fund, within our Stocks and Shares ISA.

How do ISAs work?

Your ISA can hold your investments. It is a tax efficient investment account with an annual limit on what you can invest. For more information please refer to our ISA page.

What is my ISA allowance?

The annual ISA allowance is set by the government and subject to change. In the 2019/20 tax year, the ISA allowance is capped at £20,000 per year.

What is the minimum I can invest?

The minimum you can invest is £12.50 a week, £50 a month or a one-off payment of £100.

What are the benefits of a stocks and shares ISA?

Stocks and shares ISAs allow you to access investment funds which will subsequently invest in an array of different holdings.

Does i-stock offer a help to buy ISA?


How much can I invest each year?

The maximum amount that you can invest in an ISA in the 2019 to 2020 tax year is £20,000. If you have already used some of your annual allowance, this amount you can invest going forward will be lower. It is your responsibility to establish how much you are able to invest in an ISA with i-stock. You will need to agree to our terms and conditions before you invest, which states you are not exceeding your annual ISA allowance of £20,000.

Are there any penalties when accessing my money?

i-stock will never charge you any fees or issue any penalties for withdrawing your money. Depending on your chosen investment fund, there may be additional charges such as entry charges or exit charges. For more information about charges please refer to the “Charges” section of the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) for your chosen investment fund, or the “Charges and Expenses” section of the Supplement for your chosen investment fund. The KIID and Supplement for each of the available investment funds on i-stock can be found on our website, under the “Investment Fund Options” section.

Can I monitor my investment?

You can monitor your investment within the i-stock app. The performance of your investment is tracked within your valuation homepage, and you will also be sent a performance report summary every 3 months.

Can I top up every month?

Yes, you can do this on a month by month basis or set up an automatic monthly direct debit. This offers a convenient way to increase your overall monthly savings.

Can I withdraw at any time?

Yes, you are able to instruct withdrawals from your investment at any time. It may take a few days for your withdrawal to settle, but the cash out process can begin whenever you choose. The i-stock ISA is not flexible, meaning if you choose to make a withdrawal from your ISA, you will not be able to replace these funds within the current year’s ISA subscription limit. For example, your annual allowance is £20,000 and you put £10,000 in during the 2019 to 2020 tax year. You then take out £6,000, leaving you with £4,000. The amount you can now put in during the same tax year is £10,000, which will leave you with a total of £14,000 (you cannot re-subscribe the £6,000 that you withdrew). 

Where does my money go when I make a deposit?

If you make a deposit with i-stock, your money will be held in a Barclays client account under the name of Gaudi Regulated Services Limited (Gaudi is the product provider for the i-stock ISA. Gaudi are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with FCA number 488015). Gaudi have responsibility for the administration of the client account and have appointed Quai Administration Services Limited to manage the day to day running of the client money account (Quai are the outsourced administrator for the Barclays client account).

The money will be used to purchase units in the investment fund of your choosing. These units are held and administered by a company called Winterflood Securities Limited (Winterflood are the custodian who hold the units on your behalf. Winterflood are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with FCA number 141455). Once you have chosen your investment fund, units in that fund will be purchased by Winterflood, and the money will be held by the depositary for your chosen investment fund. When you make a withdrawal from i-stock, Winterflood will sell the units back to the fund in exchange for their current value. The proceeds will then be sent back to the Barclays client account before being returned to your designated bank account.

General Investment Accounts (GIAs)

What should I do if I think I need financial advice?

i-stock does not provide financial advice and if you have any questions about the suitability of the service you should speak with a financial adviser.

If you would like to speak with an adviser, you can contact our Helpdesk who will forward your enquiry to a regulated adviser. This action will take you away from i-stock and you will be contacted within two working days by an adviser. Please note; a firm will charge for this service and their advice.

What is an investment?

An investment means putting money into an asset, with the aim of its value increasing over time.

Why invest?

Investing provides the opportunity for your money to grow over time and enable you to create greater wealth.

What are the risks?

Investments may fall as well as rise and past performance is not an indicator of future performance. You may get back less than your initial investment.

What does GIA stand for?

GIA stands for General Investment Account.

What is a GIA?

A GIA is a General Investment Account. This is an account with no limits on how much you can invest, but consequently any gains may be subject to Capital Gains Tax, depending on your personal circumstances.  

How does a GIA work?

Your GIA can hold your investments. It is an investment account, much like an ISA, but without the tax benefits and annual limits on what you can invest. 

What are the benefits of a GIA?

If you have used your annual ISA allowance and still wish to invest, a GIA provides another account you can use. There is no limit on how much you can invest in a GIA each year.

How do I set up a GIA?

Your GIA will be created by i-stock when you choose a GIA to deposit money into i-stock your account. We will do all of the work on your behalf.

How much can I invest each year?

There is no limit.

Are there any penalties when accessing my money?

i-stock will never charge you any fees or issue any penalties for withdrawing your money. Depending on your chosen investment fund, there may be additional charges such as entry charges or exit charges. For more information about charges please refer to the “Charges” section of the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) for your chosen investment fund, or the “Charges and Expenses” section of the Supplement for your chosen investment fund. The KIID and Supplement for each of the available investment funds on i-stock can be found on our website, under the “Investment Fund Options” section.

Can I monitor my investment?

You can monitor your investment within the i-stock app. The performance of your investment is tracked within your valuation homepage, and you will also be sent a performance report summary every 3 months.

Can I top up every month?

Yes, you can do this on a month by month basis or set up an automatic monthly direct debit. This offers a convenient way to increase your overall monthly savings.

Can I withdraw at any time?

Yes, you are able to instruct withdrawals from your investment at any time. It may take a few days for your withdrawal to settle, but the cash out process can begin whenever you choose.

Where does my money go when I make a deposit?

If you make a deposit with i-stock, your money will be held in a Barclays client account under the name of Gaudi Regulated Services Limited (Gaudi is the product provider for the i-stock GIA. Gaudi are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with FCA number 488015). Gaudi have responsibility for the administration of the client account and have appointed Quai Administration Services Limited to manage the day to day running of the client money account (Quai are the outsourced administrator for the Barclays client account).

The money will be used to purchase units in the investment fund of your choosing. These units are held and administered by a company called Winterflood Securities Limited (Winterflood are the custodian who hold the units on your behalf. Winterflood are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with FCA number 141455). Once you have chosen your investment fund, units in that fund will be purchased by Winterflood, and the money will be held by the depositary for your chosen investment fund. When you make a withdrawal from i-stock, Winterflood will sell the units back to the fund in exchange for their current value. The proceeds will then be sent back to the Barclays client account before being returned to your designated bank account.

General Investment and App Questions

What should I do if I think I need financial advice?

i-stock does not provide financial advice and if you have any questions about the suitability of the service you should speak with a financial adviser.

If you would like to speak with an adviser, you can contact our Helpdesk who will forward your enquiry to a regulated adviser. This action will take you away from i-stock and you will be contacted within two working days by an adviser. Please note; a firm will charge for this service and their advice.

What currency can I invest in?

Pounds sterling.

What are the risks?

Investments may fall as well as rise and past performance is not an indicator of future performance. You may get back less than your initial investment.

Who is Titan Asset Management?

Titan Asset Management manages over £1bn of assets on behalf of clients. They aim to provide private clients with access to institutional quality portfolio management at a retail price. Titan Asset Management Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Titan Wealth Holdings Limited.

How safe is my investment?

i-stock does not hold any money on your behalf.

If you make a deposit with i-stock, your money will be held in a Barclays client account under the name of Gaudi Regulated Services Limited (Gaudi is the product provider for the i-stock ISA. Gaudi are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with FCA number 488015). Gaudi have responsibility for the administration of the client account and have appointed Quai Administration Services Limited to manage the day to day running of the client money account (Quai are the outsourced administrator for the Barclays client account).

The money will be used to purchase units in the investment fund of your choosing. These units are held and administered by a company called Winterflood Securities Limited (Winterflood are the custodian who hold the units on your behalf. Winterflood are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with FCA number 141455). Once you have chosen your investment fund, units in that fund will be purchased by Winterflood, and the money will be held by the depositary for your chosen investment fund. When you make a withdrawal from i-stock, Winterflood will sell the units back to the fund in exchange for their current value. The proceeds will then be sent back to the Barclays client account before being returned to your designated bank account.

What is the Financial Services Compensation Scheme?

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) is designed to protect customers should an authorised financial services firm fail. Under the scheme, a client is entitled to up to £85,000 regarding an investment should misrepresentation and/or negligence occur. Some investment funds are covered under the FSCS and others are not. As an example, the Acumen Capital Protection Portfolio is an Irish UCITS fund, and as such, is not covered under the FSCS. Please ensure you read the relevant literature for your selected investment fund before making a deposit. 

Am I protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) through i-stock?

This will depend on your chosen investment fund given that some funds are covered and others are not. As an example, the Acumen Capital Protection Portfolio is and Irish UCITS fund, and as such, is not covered under the FSCS. Please ensure you read the relevant literature for your selected investment fund before making a deposit. 

How secure is i-stock?

i-stock uses the highest standard of 256-bit SSL encryption throughout its various website portals and apps. This means that after a secure connection is made to your account, all transmitted data is encrypted.

Is i-stock regulated by the financial conduct authority?

i-stock is a trading style of Tavistock Wealth Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, with FCA number 568089.

Will I receive investment updates from i-stock?

i-stock will publish regular investment communications and research pieces covering market updates and the development of your investment.

Can I contact you via email?

Yes. If you have any queries or need account support, please contact

What is the minimum monthly amount for deposits?

The minimum monthly amount for deposits is £50.

What are regular savings?

Regular savings are when you set up for money to be added automatically to your account each month, and thus increasing the size of your investment. 

What are the minimum/maximum amounts I can debit?

For a one-off deposit, you can debit a minimum amount of £100 and a maximum of £100,000. Amounts higher than this may be subject to additional security and identification checks. For regular direct debits the minimum is £50 a month or £12.50 a week.

My app crashes or I cannot connect, what can I do?

If this occurs, please try uninstalling and re-installing the app, as well as restarting your device. If the issue persists, contact and we will look into rectifying the issue as soon as possible.

What is a fund?

An investment fund acts as a vehicle to pool together money from many different investors. A fund manager then invests this pool on the investors’ behalf. This offers a convenient and easy way to diversify across varying investment types, whilst also providing accessibility to the skills of a dedicated fund manager.

How does buying a fund work?

Funds are split into separate units, with each unit representing a share of the fund’s underlying holdings. When you purchase a fund, you will buy units which increase or decrease in value in correlation with the fund’s performance. This process is automated when you make a deposit.

How does selling a fund work?

When you wish to release capital, you will need to sell your units in the fund. This is an automatic process which occurs when you make a withdrawal.

What is a NAV?

NAV stands for Net Asset Value. The NAV represents the total market value per unit – the price at which units in the fund are bought and sold.

What is accumulation and income?

These are the two different types of units which can be offered by a fund. With accumulation units, any income generated is retained within the fund and reinvested. With income units, income generated by the fund is paid out to investors as cash. 

Will I receive income from my investment?

In order to receive income from your investment, you will need to withdraw the monetary amount that you require from your investment. This can be done by making a withdrawal.

Will I receive dividends from my underlying investments?

The underlying holdings from your investment will generate dividend payments but these are automatically reinvested on your behalf, increasing the overall value of your investment.

What are the account fees?

With i-stock, there are no account fees or hidden fees.

What are the investment charges?

This depends on your chosen investment fund. Please refer to the charges section within your account.

Is there a fee to close my account?

There is no fee to close your account.

Is there a fee to deposit/withdraw money?

There is no fee to deposit or withdraw money. In a GIA there may be tax implications of making a withdrawal.

I made a deposit, but my value is not reflecting it. Why?

Depending on your payment method, when you first deposit money it can between 2-10 business days to show in your account. With every subsequent deposit it can take between 2-5 business days to show in your account. If your deposit is not reflected in your account after these dates then please contact our helpdesk.

Where can I find out more about my investment fund?

By looking at the Brochure, Key Investor Information Document (KIID), Prospectus and Supplement for your chosen investment fund. These are available on the i-stock website.

Who are Gaudi?

Gaudi Regulated Services Limited are the product provider for the i-stock ISA and GIA. Gaudi are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with FCA number 488015.

Who are Quai?

The product provider for the i-stock ISA and GIA (Gaudi Regulated Services Limited) has appointed Quai Administration Services Limited to act as the outsourced administrator for the Barclays client account (the bank account where all deposits are sent).

Who are Winterflood?

Whenever you make a deposit with i-stock, your money will be used to purchase units in your selected investment fund. These units are held and administered by a company called Winterflood Securities Limited, who act as the custodian (holding the units on your behalf). Winterflood are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with FCA number 141455.


This website is for information purposes only. i-stock does not provide financial advice and an account can be opened via the i-stock App or by selecting the ‘create an account’ button in the footer below.



Opening an Account

When creating an i-stock account via the app, you will be asked to acknowledge that you have read, and accept, our Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, and the Key Features document for your chosen product (ISA or GIA). You will also be asked to confirm you have not received financial advice from i-stock.

Making a Deposit

When making a deposit, you will be asked to acknowledge that you have read the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and been presented with the Brochure, Prospectus and Supplement for your chosen investment fund. All of these documents, for each of the available options, can be found on our Investment Fund Options page. You will also be asked to confirm you wish to proceed with your deposit and that you have not received financial advice from i-stock.




If you require any further information, you should find most answers in our FAQs, otherwise please feel free to contact the i-stock helpdesk. Alternatively, you can send us a message below.

By completing the form below you voluntarily choose to provide personal details to us via this website. Personal information will be treated as confidential by us and held in accordance with the appropriate data protection requirements

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i-stock is a trading style of Tavistock Private Client Limited authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with FRN 210782. Tavistock Private Client Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tavistock Investments Plc. 1 Queen’s Square, Ascot Business Park, Lyndhurst Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 9FE +44 (0) 1753 867000. The product provider for the i-stock ISA and GIA is Gaudi Regulated Services Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FCA number 488015. Registered office: 2 Oakridge Office Park, Whaddon, Salisbury, SP5 3HT. Registered in England No. 06638918.

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